Sunday, July 10, 2011

It has been awhile!

Sorry I haven't posted in a week but I had a small "Stay-cation".  My job closes the first week of July every year.  I spent the 4th at Cherry Grove which is a small part of Fire Island and then tried to go to 6 flags on the 6th but I had car issues on the way and never made it.  Other than that just some stuff around the house and tried to relax.  I only had one cakepop order for some of my best friends so I did the ice cream cones again.  They are just so fun!

I ordered the roller for the cake pops and it should be here on Tuesday so I will be playing with that a bit and a few orders over the last few weeks of the month.  Today I am also going to return 95% of the Wilton Candy Melts I have here (glad I kept all my receipts) and head over to AC Moore to get some of the brand they sell Make and Mold I think it is called.  This was a suggestion from Kim @ KCBakes and she is my long lost ginger twin (who just happens to be about 9 years younger than me lmao) and has never steered me wrong!  I will keep you guys posted!

Happy Sunday it is beautiful here on Long Island!

1 comment:

  1. I hope they treat you well :) I've never gone wrong using them. Seriously, all of my cracking issues have been from Wilton. DON'T FORGET A COUPON - go to and at the top it says "Click Here For Store Coupons" - they always have 40-50% coupons.
